
Mart, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

job satisfaction and attitudes


the johari window



                                    What Is Mobbing At The Workplace? Mobbing is a term used to describe a variety of behaviors in the workplace that amount to emotional abuse by workers of a fellow employee or employees. The term is used when a group of workers rather than a single worker engages in this hostile behavior, collectively making life difficult for someone on the job in a concerted fashion. The mobbing actors can be colleagues, superiors or subordinates, and this behavior can affect workers in businesses of all sizes, including at smaller companies. t he methods workers utilize to mob a co-worker range from the brutally direct to the surreptitiously indirect. These include covert actions such as spreading a rumor about a worker or orchestrating the isolation of a worker in the office, working outside of the worker's sight to make life difficult for him. Or it can encompass more open, confrontational behavior, such as belittling, bullying and humiliating. The co